WTP 35: Righty Tighty ,Lefty Loosy

How would you like those eggs cooked?

Follow Urbnns69 on The Grams! https://www.instagram.com/urbnns69/

Holla At Me and Leave a Message! https://anchor.fm/patrick-o-danforth/message 

Don’t forget to check out Discord Accords Podcast. Highly recommend, it is like skipping dinner and heading right for dessert!

Those Cool Window Shades https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QM3CXJ7/?coliid=I3EHNA91ZBUNU8&colid=2J42JFZHRIPJV&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1

OBD Mileage and Gas tracker https://automatic.com/

Well that is about it!